
Reloading Powder

Fin Feather Fur Outfitters carries one of the widest selections of reloading and smokeless gun powders online. Whatever cartridge you are reloading you can find top brands of reloading powder like Accurate, Alliant, Hodgdon, and Winchester gun powders.

Gun Powder Basics

Gun powder can be referred to as reloading powder, or smokeless powder, which is a propellent used in guns that produce less smoke that traditional black powder. It is made from nitrocellulose, classified by single-base, double-base, or triple-base powder.

The History of Smokeless Powder

Smokeless powder was created in the late 19th century to help replace the use of black powder, by Paul Vieille. Used by the French army, the first modern smokeless powder was called Powder B, today it is used in modern firearms to propel a bullet towards a target because of its minimal smoke, and its ability to be processed into small grains and flakes making it perfect for people who do their own reloading.

Types of Gun Powder For Sale

With different firearms comes different types of reloading powders for each specific projectile you are firing. This can be broken into handgun powder, rifle powder, and shotgun powder.

  • Handgun Powder :

    “Handgun Powder” specifically refers to the types of smokeless powders that should be used for handgun cartridges, these are usually a faster burning propellant designed to create enough force to shoot a bullet at a moderate velocity from a handgun’s barrel. Because you want a faster burning reloading powder you will want to choose a gun powder that is made of smaller grains for when you are reloading handgun ammo.
  • Rifle Powder :

    “Rifle Powder” is a gun powder with a slower burn rate that has a nitrocellulose base used for reloading rifle ammo. Rifle powder has a slower burn rate to provide a more consistent pressure along the barrel during firing, as a result of this rifle powder uses larger gain sizes for a longer burning period.
  • Shotgun Powder :

    Shotgun powder can also be called “Shotshell Powder” is reloading gun powder designed to fire pellets or a slug from a shotgun. The gun powder in shotgun ammo consists of nitrocellulose and is designed to burn at a high rate, different than that of handguns and rifles due to the unique projectile of a shotgun.

Popular Reloading Powder Brands

There are many different smokeless powder brands and manufacturers to choose from when purchasing gun powder for sale online. Here are some of Fin Feather Fur Outfitters best reloading powder brands to buy.

  • Accurate :

    Accurate reloading powder is considered a high-quality smokeless powder brand due to their high degree of consistency, wide variety of powders, and their focus on well … ACCURACY! This allows reloaders to choose from various calibers and applications while maintaining consistent reloading measurements and accurate shots for the user.
  • Alliant :

    Alliant is an excellent reloading powder brand because of its history of manufacturing, high quality control, reliable performance, and extensive reloading data. These factors allow reloaders to choose a trustworthy powder that delivers consistent results shot after shot.
  • Hodgdon :

    Hodgdon is a reliable choice for both novice and experience reloaders because of its reliable reloading data, quality control, extensive product line and its ease of use making it an easy to measure powder that has a history of data that provides consistent shooting repeatedly.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gun Powder

  • What Is The Difference Between Smokeless Powder and Black Powder? :

    Black powder is a physical mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate that is less stable and burns very rapidly due to its sensitivity to sparks, friction, and impact. Whereas smokeless powder is a nitrocellulose base that is much more stable, produces less smoke, residue, and burns at a much more consistent rate.
  • How Should I Store Smokeless Powder? :

    Gun powder should be stored in a cool dry place, which is out of the way of any excess heat, and is isolate from any open flames, hot water heaters, furnaces, etc. The smokeless powder should be stored out of the line of sunrays and avoid anywhere around potential sparks from electrical circuits. Obey all regulations around quantity and methods of storing, but if you have any further questions, click the button below to talk to our expert reloading powder team.

Talk To Our Expert Reloading Powder Team

Fin Feather Fur Outfitters is proud to have one of the best selections of smokeless powders for reloading. Our reloading supplies goes far beyond just gun powder. We are experts in the reloading world so feel free to ask us any questions.