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Clam Sled Pulling Harness Black



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Clam Outdoors has stood for the best in outdoor gear. Our customers tell us that the Clam name means dependable, durable, and tough. That's important, because no one wants to be out in the field or on the ice and have a problem with their gear. Quality is our top priority at Clam, and it's reflected in everything we make.Multiple uses – ice fishing, hunting or family recreational use and great for early and late ice and ice fishing derbies! Sometimes we don’t have the ability to get a portable shelter into position with anything but our own personal power. That’s where the Sled Pulling Harness comes in handy. When it comes time to haul that portable shelter on or off the ice or to a new position, using the two-point pulling harness with padded straps will make the job simple and easy.

Specifications and Features:

  • Easy to use 2 point pulling harness improves efficiency and keeps your hands free
  • Padded straps & two chest accessory pockets
  • Fits waist size up to 60 inches over outerwear

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