Established in 2016, the Forged by War program spearheaded a collaboration between CRKT and Veterans, inviting real life warriors to apply their knowledge and experience to design a specialty line of mission-ready knives and tools. In addition to receiving commission on their designs, a portion of the profits are donated to the Veterans' charity of choice.
Specifications and Features:
- Blade Steel: SK-5
- Blade Edge: Plain
- Blade Finish: Powder Coat
- Blade Length 4.37" (110.90 mm)
- Blade Thickness: 0.17" (4.32 mm)
- Overall Length: 8.50" (215.90 mm)
- Weight: 5.60 oz. (158.76 g)
- Handle Material: G10
- Style: Fixed Blade Knife with Sheath
- Sheath Material: Thermoplastic
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